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The Inspire Learning Partnership

Transforming lives. Building Futures.

Integrity Integrity demonstrating a strong moral purpose through trust, tolerance and respect
Nurture Nurture growing within a framework of care and support
Success Success achieving our personal best
Passion Passion compelling enthusiasm for learning
Innovation Innovation risk taking to harness creativity
Responsibility Responsibility accepting accountability for ourselves and our actions
Excellence Excellence aspiring to achieve the extraordinary

Welcome toThe Inspire Learning Partnership

Our Mission

Inspire Learning Partnership is committed to
Transforming Lives and Building Futures of all.

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We are compelled by a strong moral purpose to support and develop all children and staff within a family of schools to ensure that children make rapid progress and achieve success.

We strive to offer environments of the highest quality to empower learners and create endless possibilities in ways which meet the needs of all.

We provide an innovative and secure infrastructure to free staff to focus on teaching and learning and to give the flexibility to ensure rapid response to addressing needs.  

Staff take responsibility for their own learning and engage in professional development and evidence-informed practice to improve the educational experience for all children.

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Our Vision

To relentlessly pursue excellence across our family of schools, where ethical, inspired and empowered leaders place children at the heart of everything; using their expertise and innovation to enable all to succeed.

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Click to SeeSchools in our Trust

Blackfield Primary School Blackfield Nursery School Fawley Infant School Hightown Primary School Kanes Hill Primary School