Welcome From
The Chief Executive Officer,
Claire Lowe
Established in 2014 the Inspire Learning Partnership is a Multi Academy Trust based in two hubs: New Forest and Southampton. We currently comprise five academies Blackfield Primary and Nursery School, Fawley Infant School, Hightown Primary School, Kanes Hill Primary School, St Monica Primary School.
We have a shared aim of raising the educational outcomes of all children within the Trust. Never forgetting that children only get one chance at education we are driven by the commitment to improve children’s life chances. All organisations within the Inspire Learning Partnership work together to provide high quality learning experiences for all their pupils in order that we transform lives and build futures.
It is led and managed by school leaders and specialists with a wide range of school experience in all phases of education, working in contextually different schools. It was founded because of our strong moral purpose to support schools to reach the outstanding level of education provided to some children but not all. It has at its core an understanding of the pressures of school leadership and how schools without effective leadership can become vulnerable to having little say in their strategic future. The Inspire Learning Partnership provides a model in which schools cannot merely survive but thrive in the ever-changing landscape of strategic school leadership. It does so in a way that enables schools joining the Trust to share their expertise, their vision and directly influence the future direction of the Trust.
Our mission to transform lives and build futures is achieved through improving the educational outcomes for all children within the Trust. In doing so we will improve the quality of teaching, we will improve the curriculum and we will improve the quality of leadership; all of these will enable children to achieve higher and go on to their next stage of education fully prepared and excited about their future learning. The Inspire Learning Partnership will consider wider outcomes for children than the narrow easily measurable academic levels; clearly they play an important part of a child’s education but we want to develop children who are independent and creative thinkers, resilient learners who are able to collaborate effectively with a growing sense of awe and wonder about their world and a developing emotional intelligence. The children in our Trust will develop these skills because they will be surrounded by adults with these skills.
The Team
The team leading the Trust is an effective one with a history of school improvement. They have led schools in Special Measures and to Outstanding, they are Local Leaders of Education and of Learning, they have experienced success in phases from nursery to secondary . They are not advisors; they are practitioners at the highest level and they will continue to practise the skills needed to teach, to learn and to lead.
Join Us
When you join the Inspire Learning Partnership we will undertake a contextually sensitive review of your school; our due diligence. You will be supported by a Director of Education whose role will be to support and challenge you; however you will not be a passive recipient; you will contribute to the needs of others in the Trust and in doing so develop your own school and staff skill set.
The Benefits of Joining Us
The benefits to joining are clear, you get the support structure you need to move your school forward regardless of your starting point, you also get the opportunity to shape the future direction of the Trust by belonging to a community of like-minded professionals. You can read here for further information.
Mrs. Claire Lowe CEO MA(Ed) BA(Ed) NPQH FFCT